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 Laying a oak wooden floor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Biffa Posted - 12/11/2007 : 10:31:37
With a lot of tongue.. and a fair smattering of groove ... ;)

Stage 1 of my oak floor domination regime!

Area1 is what I have done, Area2,3 &4 are greyed just to differentiate them, but Area2 is next and its going to flow throuh the doorway from Area1 and the floor joists run vertically as they did in Area1

The Hallway, using 2cm pre-oiled solid french oak boards (toungue and groove)

Before (well after I spent a weekend ripping up the chipboard):

After (sorry about the shoes):

And one looking back the other way.

Taken me three weeks basically because a) I can only do an hour or so in the evenings and b) I'm a lazy git, and c) I need a life sometimes and d) I'm a lazy git, and c) the kids won't leave me alone for 5 minutes!

Oh did I say I'm a lazy git? :D

Thanks I just finished, and I had to share my pain with someone.

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